Saturday 9 August 2008

Hardware prognosis

It's not looking good, folks. Despite repeated attempts, my hardware CPR seems to be failing. Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not an IT technician!

However! I don't want to let this blog die just yet, even if my computer has. I'm going to see if I can rattle off some more navel-gazing, agile development posts. And maybe take the time to look into AI routines a bit more. Heck, if programming's not an option, I might as well invest in a spot more BDUF as well.

Finally, if anyone's got any tips for a decent desktop PC that'll be good for development, I'd appreciate them. Doesn't have to be a super games machine; just something cheap and adequate (£300-400). I'm currently thinking Dell, but that's just me being attracted by out-of-the-box usability. Anyway, all suggestions welcome.

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