Tuesday, 15 July 2008

A brief history of my abandoned projects

First time round, I got all excited about making an online version of Carcassonne (a fabulous game, btw). I went about it all the wrong way and then found out that people had already done it, which kind of took the wind out of my sails.

Next time, I started to reimplement an old VB tile-placement game I'd half-written at university, this time using TDD and C#. In fact, I think I tried Behaviour Driven Development; something that drained my will to live entirely. Seriously, kids, don't go there. It blows.

Later, I gave the tile-placement game one last push, rescuing it from BDD hell, and finally got it playable. Pity, then, that it truly sucked. Hard. And that was the end of that bout of enthusiasm.

This time, I'm thinking of revisiting that last game, simplifying it and making it 2-player. I'm also playing around with another 2-player tile-based game. In fact, it's the 2-player aspect that's providing the real impetus this time. Back at university, I attended about 9 lectures on various aspects of artificial intelligence. And it BORED ME TO TEARS. Now, however, I actually want to use AI.

More on that in the next post...

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