Thursday, 31 July 2008

Good, simple games... that I can rip off

All this game-related programming's got me reminiscing about good, simple games from years gone by; games that I might one day fancy plagiarising. Heck, maybe I could use them as practice for getting into WPF, XNA, or such like.

Anyway, here are a few games from the early 90's that've sprung to mind:

Arguably the inspiration for Geometry Wars, this was an incredibly addictive little game in which you controlled a spaceship with your mouse, collecting crystals littered about the screen while avoiding mines and shooting the baddies that chased after you. The genius of XQuest, however, was that your ship's movement had inertia. The developer must've tuned it to hell and back, because it felt perfect.
Apocalypse Cow
Described as "a fast-paced action game in which two players drive catapults hurling cows at each other. Cows colliding in mid-air resolve their differences in Cow Boxing mode." Yes, it was a little surreal. It was also brilliant fun. And it featured cows. And sometimes glass ones.
Cheesy Invaders
An incredibly simple space invaders clone that was elevated to the status of cult classic by its sense of humour, graphics and sound effects.

Pity I can't find decent links for those last two. Hell, I'd still be playing them now, if I could. And that, to my ears, sounds like enough of an endorsement to make them worth copying. I just need the source material to reference... and graphics to copy... and sound effects to steal... ;-)

Do you know any other forgotten gems I can add to the list?

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